Metal Flake Drum Finishes


champagne sparkle drum finish

Exclusive metal flake drum finishes created by Brownie Drums are absolutely like No Other. The proprietary process of combining real metal flake with epoxy produces a result with incredible luster and superior durability.  These dazzling finishes dance and flow under the lights, and look nothing close to a sparkle drum wrap.  We use an industry standard two-part clear coating and casting resin that is extremely durable and crystal clear.  If your goal is to turn heads, then a Brownie Drum Co. metal flake finish is your answer. Flake Colors and custom combinations are endless.

Custom Drum Finish Metal Flake

Drum Finishes Brownie drums

Drum Finishes Metal Flake

Purple Plum Metal Flake Drum Finish
Custom Drums Metal Flake Drum Finish